Meet the language needs of ALL the families you serve, better and faster with convenient, easy-to-use telephone interpreter AND document translation services.
The next time you're helping a family that speaks limited or no English, a telephone interpreter or document translator is right at your fingertips! Whether it's a matter of repatriation or helping arrange services in the U.S., you no longer have to try to find someone locally who speaks the same language. Enjoy quick, accurate document translation services and even save up to 15% on telephone interpretation services today!
For a list of available languages, click here.
How to Use CLI Services:
- Call CLI at (800) 362-3241. Listen to the prompts. You also have the option of speaking directly with the Translation Department.
- Indicate you are an NFDA member.
- Choose: Documentation Translation Services or Telephone Interpreter Services
- Set up an account or provide your existing account information, and begin using CLI services
Why should you use CLI? Click here.
Helpful Hints for Using Telephone Interpreter Services:
- Speak in the first person, directly to the person with limited English proficiency. Do not have a private conversation with the interpreter.
- Pause often to allow the interpreter to speak while keeping the amount to be interpreted short.
- Choose your words carefully. Try to avoid using slang, jargon, acronyms or technical terms that may not interpret well into other languages.
- Speak in a natural tone of voice.
- Clearly indicate the end of the session to the interpreter
Contact Information
Certified Languages International
Toll-free: 800.362.3241